Sunday, October 26, 2008

Senior Quote

"Do not fear death, but rather the unlived life. You don't have to live forever. You just have to live."


The definition of art is the product of human creativity. Because everyone expresses their creativity differently I don't think you can exactly pinpoint art. I also dont think you can define what is not art because that is like telling someone that their expression is not valid, while to them it means everything. Art is most commonly expressed through; painting, writing, music (ALL types), dancing, and much more. Art is just the way someone expresses their emotions and thoughts. This is why it is so different for every person, because no one has the same thoughts or emotions as anyone else so therefore no two people will express themselves in the exact same way. I think that once someone has found a healthy way to express themselves, they should run with it and ignore all criticism because that is just who they are.

She Unnames Them

Woldview analysis of She Unnames Them

1. God and the Universe
-"You and your father lent me this- gave it to me, actually. It's been really uselful, but it doesn't seem to fit very well lately"
-It seems like Eve is in control of the universe because although God names the animals eve has the power to undo his doing.

2. Humanity and Identity
"The insects parted with their names in vast clouds and swarms of ephemeral syllables..."
-All these beings have to control is their identity because essentially a name means nothing.

3.Conflict and Suffering
-"They seemed far closer than when their names had stood between myself and them like a clear barrier..."
-The animals have problems with how insignificant a name is so they have trouble accepting it.

4. Hope and Redemption
'the attraction that many of us felt, the desire to smell one another's smells, feel or rub or caress one another's scales or skin or feathers or fur...'
-The hope lies in having an identity aside from their name.

5. Values and Relationships
"He was not paying much attention, as it happened, and said only, 'Put it down over there, OK?' and went on with what he was doing."
-Their hopefulness is in finding the garden key.

6.Truth and Knowledge
'They seemed far closer than when their names had stood between myself and them like a clear barrier.'
-They realize that the names are meaningless so the truth lies in having their own identity and just being and not knowing.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

american pie

1. God and the Universe
-" and do you have faith in God above if the Bible tells you so?"
-"But something touched me deep inside the day the music died"
The piece is central to "the day the music died", so we can assume that the music represents something more. It also talks about music saving your soul, so whatever the music is, it is in a higher power then us.

2. Humanity and Identity
-"Oh, and there we were all in one place, a generation lost in space"
-"Now for ten years we've been on our own"
This shows that humanity is lost and confused. He believes that we are on our own and a everyone is apparently searching due to this.

3.Conflict and Suffering
-"The day the music died"
-"Oh, and there we were all in one place, a generation lost in space"
The conflict of this seems to be the death of music because after every chorus it talks about the causes of music dieing. What has changed in the world due to its death.

4. Hope and Redemption
-"Can music save your mortal soul"
It talks about many different ways people tried to revive the music, the substitutions people made for it. But none of these worked, the music was still dead. So the only way we can be saved, or have hope, is through the real music.

5. Values and Relationships
-"But something touched me deep inside the day the music died"
-"And the three med I admire most: the father, son, and the holy ghost"
Don states that the music was of great importance to him because when it died, he was touched. Also he states that the trinity is important because they are the three men he admires most.

6. Truth and Knowledge

-"No angel born in hell could break satan's spell"
-"A generation lost in space with no time left to start again"
The truths that are presented in this are that humanity is lost. Also that Satan is cursed with no hope for redemption.

In conclusion, I believe this piece is presented in a Christian worldview because there are many elements that point to Christianity. Such as humanity being lost, the idea of being saved by a central figure, Jesus, and Satan being cursed. Also many other worldviews are presented but presented as ways that humanity has tried to save themselves.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Paradise Lost

Conflict to determine worldview in Paradise Lost

1. Of Mans First Disobedience, and the Fruit
Of that Forbidden Tree, whose mortal tast
Brought Death into the World, and all our woe,
With loss of Eden, till one greater Man
Restore us, and regain the blissful Seat, [ 5 ]

2. That with reiterated crimes he might
Heap on himself damnation, while he sought [ 215 ]
Evil to others, and enrag'd might see
How all his malice serv'd but to bring fort

3. Waiting revenge: cruel his eye, but cast
Signs of remorse and passion to behold [ 605 ]
The fellows of his crime, the followers rather
(Far other once beheld in bliss) condemn'd
For ever now to have thir lot in pain,

4. highly they rag'd
Against the Highest, and fierce with grasped arms
Clash'd on thir sounding Shields the din of war,
Hurling defiance toward the vault of Heav'n.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Wizard of Oz

I think that the worldview of The Wizard of Oz lies somewhere between a Christian and athiest worldview. This is so because in the beginning Dorthy and her friend think that the wizard is in a sense God and controls everything. But later on they find that he is a fraud and that the only way to return home was in themselves, they just had to find it. So they are presented with a false God that tries to decieve them which represents the devil. But the controversial part is that instead of finding an escape through a real God, they must find it within themselves.

Identify Worldview

Things that we can look for to help us identify worldview are; things that point to a belief, opinions, descriptions, adjectives, and truth claims. These things can show us what they believe on a certain topic which can shed light on a specific worldview.